

Scheduler App

This project was created as a solution to the Summer 2020 Rose Rocket code challenge and is built using Create React App. It has a beautiful UI which I built from scratch using styled-components.

Critter Sitter

Critter Sitter is a full-stack application that connects users to pet sitters in their area. It is built with React on the front-end, talking to an API built with NodeJS and Express on the back-end.

Type Racer

A simple speed typing game created using React Hooks which gives the user a word to type. When the user types the word correctly, they get points and are presented with a new word until they are out of time.

URLpetit is a full stack web application built with Node and Express that allows users to shorten long URL's(à la


YelpCamp is a full stack application that was built from scratch using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap and JQuery on the front-end and NodeJS, NPM, ExpressJS, REST, PassportJS and MongoDB on the back-end. The application was developed on Cloud9 IDE, source versioned with GIT and is currently hosted on Heroku servers.

RGB Color Game

A simple RGB color guessing game built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Tribute Page

A simple responsive tribute template to Justin Trudeau written in HTML and CSS.

Landing Page

A simple responsive landing page template built using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.

Survey Form

A simple responsive form created using HTML5 and CSS.